As I write this it is the end of November and Thanksgiving weekend, the official start to the holiday season. Obviously this Thanksgiving was different than years past given this alternate universe we seem to be living in, but different doesn’t mean bad. As a matter of fact there was a lot of good to come out of this weekend and November in general. Fortunately the weather has been unseasonably warm thus far which I love, I am not now and never was a fan of the cold weather. Remember, I was a golfer growing up! I had made Jordan a promise this summer that I would continue taking him to the driving range and getting him lessons through the winter so he could develop the skills and fundamentals necessary to make him a better golfer. We are at the stage now where most 11 year olds, and Jordan is no different, tend to get bored and annoyed because his lessons and range time mainly consist of “building”. We start with a good position at address and a...