The Hills are alive……

 This week brought the return of something that I’ve missed tremendously…..HILLS!  

Those of you that know me know that I hate running and riding on flat areas and paths.  We have an incredible 6 mile path that goes through three or four different towns.  It’s always well maintained regardless of weather and it’s safe from traffic, but it’s FLAT!  I also hate the treadmill or as I call it the dreadmill.  Living in Bergen County there is no shortage of hills, short steep hills, rolling hills, long hills, you name it and we’ve got it.

In the past my training regularly included hills and there were three areas that I frequented.  First was Akers, it was a quarter mile steep hill that was great for hill repeats.  Then there was Ridge Rd which is approximately one mile from bottom to top also good for longer repeats and lastly there is The Wegman’s Loop.  I would park my car at Lifetime and run over to Wegman’s.  The half mile run was the perfect warm up for what would lie ahead.  It’s approximately a one mile loop with a steep climb up Grand Ave.  I used to do 5 loops for a 5-6 mile workout. Hills are simply speedwork in disguise.

This week I had a 5 mile Wegman’s run on my schedule and to say I was excited would be an understatement.  Like I said, I love hills.  I headed over to Lifetime in a light drizzle, but temperatures in the 40’s, totally shorts weather, and parked my car.  I started my watch and headed out on the familiar sidewalk where I had run countless times before.  I made my way to the bottom of Grand Ave and noticed construction and a poorly shoveled sidewalk.  I stepped into the street and cautiously started the climb and realized that running in the street here was definitely not safe especially in the rain.  As I crested the hill I remembered that there was a path that went around the building that would shorten the loop,  but still allow me to get the steepest part of the hill done.  I had  come too far to bail out now.  So I improvised and ran the shorter loop to make sure I got my work in.  

One hour later I had completed 4.6 miles with 5 hill repeats thrown in.  I continued to implement my run walk strategy never straying from my plan.  The moment of truth came when I hit stop on my watch and waited for my workout to upload.  I was waiting to see what my heart rate did as I climbed the hill over and over again.  Finally I saw the notification, upload complete, and there it was, my heart rate topped out at 166 on the last effort which was to be expected, but after every ascent my heart rate recovered on the descent.  The elevation chart and heart rate chart looked identical which is exactly what I needed to see.  

Knowing that my fitness and strength are improving day after day is all I can really ask for.  I continue to be disciplined in my approach never wavering and checking my ego at the door every time I leave up my shoes, get on the back or jump in the pool.  I guess it’s true, slow and steady wins the race and hills breed champions!


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